

Blog for the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, including school updates, class offerings, and students writing about their experiences.

Summer Schedule - Registration is Open

We've pretty much finalized the Summer Course Schedule and have opened up registration. The Traditional Crafts program and the lecture series are works in progress.

We're still working on the tool lists for the courses. But there is some potentially big news here.

We're hoping to work with a major tool manufacturer to equip each bench with a set of quality hand tools. This means that you could attend the course and not need to buy a set of hand tools.

We see this as a major advantage. You'd get to work on your project using great tools and decide for yourself what sort of tools you'd like to buy when you finally setup your shop.

If this happens (and it is still an if) we'd ask you, at the end of your course. to leave the tools fully sharpened and ready for the next student to use. This is good workshop discipline.

So if you're planning to sign up for a course please don't run out and buy all the tools yet. We'll let you know as soon as we have confirmation of the plan. Of course we're not stopping you from buying tools and bringing them along but we want you to make the best, most informed decision about the tools you buy.

You'll also notice that we've dropped the price point of the courses. This (the Spring) term we're pretty much including the cost of the materials you use in the class in the price of the course. In the future we'll be clear about the cost of the materials used in the course and will collect the materials fee from you at the end of the course.

We've also added some longer (two week) courses this summer. In these courses you'll get to buy your lumber from the local hardwood lumberyard directly. This is invaluable experience for when you return home and need to go to your local lumberyard.

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