

Blog for the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, including school updates, class offerings, and students writing about their experiences.

Moving the Coopering Class to May 25th

Steve Habersetzer and I have both been asked if the Coopering Class can be moved. I had skillfully chosen the Saturday of the Rhododendron Parade (May 17th) which is one of the biggest events in the year for the folks of Port Townsend.

So we have heeded the requests and are moving the class out to Sunday May 25th at 9:00am. I'll be updating the website shortly.

Steve and I plan to make a couple of cooper's planes in the next few weeks so that we'll have plenty for the course. I'm looking forward to this as I've coveted a cooper's plane for some time.

One request if anybody has some rounds of well seasoned cedar, larch or fir that we could use to make one of the buckets please let me know. The rounds would need to be 16-18" long.