

Blog for the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, including school updates, class offerings, and students writing about their experiences.

Mike Wenzloff is Teaching in June

I just got off the phone with Mike Wenzloff - he's in good spirits, much improved health and he's within a week of getting his backlog under control! Mike confirmed that he'll be teaching at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking on June 11-12, 2011.

Mike is one of the best saw makers in the country. In Mike's Build a Handsaw course you get to customize one of Mike's amazing saws (you get to choose what type and the type of wood for the handle) to fit your hand. Plus you get a master class in sharpening, metallurgy and the history of saw making. Jim Tolpin will be around to join in the discussions of saws and sawing.