We realize that as part of our mission in starting the school there is an implicit goal in helping the Woodworking community around us. We can do this by promoting the art and craft of working with wood and sometimes we need to help more directly. I got this email from John Marckworth this morning. If you can help please do:
"Some of you may know Jerry Smith, cabinetmaker. His shop was recently broken into, and most/all of his portable power tools were taken. He was uninsured for the loss. He will replace the day-to-day equipment out of pocket, but can't hope to get back above water for some time. I know we can all relate to what a blow this is, and how difficult it will be to recover.
Mark Sabella has undertaken, completely on his own initiative, to give Jerry a hand in replacing his Festool Domino. He is asking fellow woodworkers to chip in $20 (no more) towards the replacement cost. We hope you'll consider joining us. Also, please spread the word to our fellow woodworkers.
You can contact Mark at 385-1551, or me at 316-9480."