

Blog for the Port Townsend School of Woodworking, including school updates, class offerings, and students writing about their experiences.

I guess somebody likes us....

We found this in our mail boxes this morning:

"Good Morning!
Well, I finally have a few minutes this morning to bang-out a few comments about my very recently completed Router Basics and Quick Joinery classes. John and Tim, you two were indeed outstanding in every respect and are well on your way to major successes in my opinion. I enjoyed every minute of both days experiences which were filled to the brim with everything from safety, tool usage, techniques, abundant world-class advice and expertise, humbled humor, new tools and most of all ~ from two terrific Gentleman Artisans. We students were so fortunate to share such expertise.

As a new weekend woodworking warrior, I was very impressed with your approach to the organization and teaching styles of your classes, the content, presentation and quiet gentlemanly partnership you both displayed in working together on our many hands-on projects. Your hands-on proper tool usage, with both yours and ours, is an absolute must for newby's like me, to insure future retention of those all-important ten digits!

In looking at what I've learned (learnt. . . sorry!) and in seeing the advanced schedule of future classes with Tim, I find it hard to make intelligent new suggestions worthy and valuable to everyone. In that regard however, I suggest some future segments to be oriented to the new woodshop builder. I am a newby who has struggled with the best way to build and set up a woodshop for optimum tool usage, tool selection, dust control, noise, future usage, storage, organization, etc., etc.

Lastly, my humble "Thanks" to John, Tim and Jim for finally bringing this outstanding opportunity to the North Olympic Peninsula. Your teaching styles, location and shop tools and equipment are superb in my opinion, and all with imparted knowledge being consumed like drinking and savoring fine wine! I am excited and enthusiastic about future classes I plan to take. Please keep up your outstanding work Gentlemen, and Thank You!

Dave Munro
PS: If you would like me to share this writing with the media, please let me know."

We're humbled and honoured by Dave's comments. Thank you Dave!