How to use this blog
Blogging comes pretty naturally to some folks and less so to others.
We're using this blog to communicate less formally than our website. You'll see notices & reminders of events and other news from the School.
You can also respond to the post and start a conversation with Jim, John or myself. All you need to do is click on the Comments Link you'll see beneath this post. This will bring up a web page where you can praise us, nag us or throw a brickbat (all are fair). At the moment I have any posts to the blog moderated. This means that I check the post before it ends up on the blog.
Why? I do this to filter out obscene posts and a lot of spam posts from link farms in China (places that splat links over blogs in the hopes of fooling Google in to giving the site a higher ranking). I generally check email and post notifications early in the morning and in the evening so hopefully any delay in posting will be short. This hasn't been a problem yet but I'd consider switching it off if people want to comment - let me know.
You can also use your browser to automatically get notifications of new posts on the blog. You can subscribe to RSS feeds.
What is RSS you ask? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. Simply put whenever a blog entry is created the server software updates an RSS file for this blog
This the RSS icon (don't click this - it is only an image).
In Firefox you'll see this icon in the Address Bar. Click on it to add it to your Live Bookmarks.
In Internet Explorer the icon appears in one of the toolbars - click to add it to your Feeds.
When your browser loads it quickly checks the RSS files and updates the bookmarks - so you can see when a post has been made to the blog.
Try it out and be the first to see new news from the Woodschool.
We're using this blog to communicate less formally than our website. You'll see notices & reminders of events and other news from the School.
You can also respond to the post and start a conversation with Jim, John or myself. All you need to do is click on the Comments Link you'll see beneath this post. This will bring up a web page where you can praise us, nag us or throw a brickbat (all are fair). At the moment I have any posts to the blog moderated. This means that I check the post before it ends up on the blog.
Why? I do this to filter out obscene posts and a lot of spam posts from link farms in China (places that splat links over blogs in the hopes of fooling Google in to giving the site a higher ranking). I generally check email and post notifications early in the morning and in the evening so hopefully any delay in posting will be short. This hasn't been a problem yet but I'd consider switching it off if people want to comment - let me know.
You can also use your browser to automatically get notifications of new posts on the blog. You can subscribe to RSS feeds.
What is RSS you ask? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. Simply put whenever a blog entry is created the server software updates an RSS file for this blog
In Firefox you'll see this icon in the Address Bar. Click on it to add it to your Live Bookmarks.
In Internet Explorer the icon appears in one of the toolbars - click to add it to your Feeds.
When your browser loads it quickly checks the RSS files and updates the bookmarks - so you can see when a post has been made to the blog.
Try it out and be the first to see new news from the Woodschool.