Tlingit Panel Carving: Formline Design, Painting, and Carving


Tlingit Panel Carving: Formline Design, Painting, and Carving

10 Days, Open To All

Summer 2025
July 21 - August 1

Fall 2025
October 27 - November 7

This ten-day class will teach the fundamentals of designing, drawing, carving, and painting a formline panel with Tlingit carver James Johnson. The class will emphasize the basics of learning to carve Tlingit style formline with respect to the traditional art form. Covering the history, culture, and technical skills of both carving and formline design, this class seeks to build connections and understanding of one of the most iconic art forms of the Pacific Northwest First Nations people. 

James Johnson ​was born and raised in Juneau, AK. He belongs to the Tlingit Ch’áak’ Dakl’aweidi Clan (Eagle Killer Whale). James's great-great-grandfather was Chief Gusht’eiheen (“Spray off the Dorsal Fin”) of the Dakl’aweidi of the Xutsnoowú Kwáan​ ​(Angoon, Alaska). His great-grandfather was Chief Jimmy Johnson, and his grandfather was Chief Peter Johnson, whom he is named after: James Peter Johnson. James’s strong ancestral history led him to pursue the Tlingit art form. His late father, Franklin Johnson, first encouraged him to begin carving. James has now dedicated his life to perpetuating the Tlingit art form, honoring his ancestors through his work.

This ten-day class will cover the basics of formline design and technique through designing, drawing, carving, and painting a unique panel. You will be exposed to traditional Tlingit tools, their use, sharpening, and maintenance, drawing, and painting methods. You will work under the guidance of James to complete your panel to a satisfactory level of completion depending on the desires of each student. 

We will begin with a basic comprehension of Tlingit formline design and history. We will cover the fundamentals of formline guidelines and understanding of forms. You will spend the first day drawing formline and beginning to build your design for the panel. Each student will be following a design from James made for this class. Then you will transfer and apply the design from paper to wood. 

Next, you will begin painting the design.  We will cover the proper technique for mixing acrylic paint and understanding Tlingit colorways for formline.  We will also learn the basic fundamentals of painting with brushes.  

After the Primary and Secondary formline elements are painted on our design, we will begin recess carving the design. This stage will primarily be the second half of the class. We will cover the proper techniques of recess carving, leading into carving the tertiary formline elements, and applying that paint when ready. 

From James: “Please understand that in order to do proper work, you need patience. Do not expect to have a completed finished piece by the end of the class, this is not realistic. I urge all students to take the panel home and keep working on it. The finished work you put in is what makes a piece from just good to extraordinary.”



PTSW will provide all the tools necessary for this course. However, we strongly encourage you to bring your own carving tools. There are many blacksmiths now making and selling Northwest Coast Salish-style carving tools. Most are made to order so make sure to place your order as early as possible so that you have your tools by the start of class. Some of the tools can also be made with simple techniques, especially if you have any experience working with metal. Here is a tutorial on how to make a bent knife.



Open to All.

Class Information and Registration

Classes run 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday for two weeks in Building 315 for the July class and in Building 304 for the October class at Fort Worden. Map
Please read our What to Expect page for general information about the School.
Please also read our Registration Policy.
Please sign up for the waitlist if the course is full.

Class size: 12
Cost: $1,790
Materials Charge: $150