Chainsaw safety and tree felling for beginners — Port Townsend School of Woodworking

Chainsaw Safety, Felling and Limbing with Pavel McGlave 2024


SAWW: Chainsaw Safety, Felling, and Limbing

Weekend Class, For Beginners

Spring 2024
June 15-16
Summer 2024
August 17-18

Every woodworker knows where it all starts, but getting started can be intimidating, inaccessible, or downright dangerous. Join us for this weekend workshop in the woods, where we will cover all the steps, safe practices, and professional tips that will help you feel confident in managing your own woodlot, back forty or small yard with a safe and sharp chainsaw. 

In this two-day class, each student will be introduced to the chainsaw and all of its basic parts and controls. We have partnered with experienced woods worker, forester and arborist Pavel McGlave, who is a certified SAWW (Safety and Woods Worker) trainer. Pavel will work with the group to go over basic use with an emphasis on safety and control. While working in teams of two, each student will have the opportunity to fell their own tree, learn to act as a spotter, work to safely limb the felled tree, and buck the tree into manageable pieces. We will be felling trees in a small and overgrown alder grove, and the felled trees will be left to decompose in place to improve the health of the forest. 

If time allows we will also get into some basic maintenance and sharpening practices.

SAWW Training is an umbrella organization that promotes safe and efficient chainsaw use, both professional and recreational, and oversees the development of training curriculum and the training of trainers. SAWW Certified Trainers are experts in their field.  They are required to have extensive sawing experience, to participate in a rigorous certification process, and to refresh their skills in an annual training course.  Certified Trainers stay current in regulation changes, and in safety and utilization techniques.


Required Equipment:

  • Chainsaw - fuel and bar oil

  • Helmet - with or without face shield 

  • Hearing protection

  • Eye protection

  • Gloves 

  • Sturdy boots

  • Basic hand sharpening equipment

  • Lunch, water and snacks

Recommended Equipment:

  • Chainsaw chaps and other protective equipment

  • Camera, notepad and writing implement

  • Weather appropriate gear/clothing 


For beginners


Class Information and Registration

Class runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday on Marrowstone Island.
Please read our What to Expect page for general information about the School.
Please also read our Registration Policy.
If the course is full, please sign up for the waitlist.Class size: 12
Cost: $350