Emmy Gran


Emmy Gran

Communications & Marketing Manager


Email emmy@ptwoodschool.org
  (360) 344-4455
Location: Port Townsend, WA

Emmy Gran is an educator, flower farmer, and social media storyteller. She grew up in a rare bookshop on the East Coast, got her undergraduate degree from the University of Washington in 2009, and her master's in education from Goddard College in 2017. She taught kindergarten for many years on Orcas Island at Salmonberry School, a small holistic elementary school. Currently, she runs a flower farm and floral design studio called Fabled Flora in Port Townsend. Emmy came to join PTSW in 2024 as the Communications and Marketing Manager. Her work in nonprofits, education, and handcrafts perfectly dovetails as the social media storyteller for PTSW.

When she is not working for PTSW, you can find her in her flower field on Howard & Hastings Ave. 

“The exchange of love between earth and people calls forth the creative gifts of both. The earth is not indifferent to us, but rather calling for our gifts in return for hers—the reciprocal nature of life and creativity.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer